Thursday, February 28, 2008

happy 4 years.

Today is our anniversary! Thought I'd share a few pictures of "then". It has been four years, and every moment has been worth it. Truly. Our good friends, Michelle and Andy, are going to watch Ben (they have two boys that sandwich Ben in age) tonight, while we enjoy a celebratory dinner! Friday night we're going to try and catch a movie.

While most are self-explanatory, the pictures above are of our engagement (Grand Canyon), wedding and honeymoon. In case you're wondering who "captured" the moment on bended was my parents who had an "hunch" as to what was going to take place. I miss blue AZ skies! That day was so perfect, and I can honestly say, that I wouldn't have changed a thing. As a sidebar: rarely does it rain in Phoenix, but of course the meterologists threatened rain a few days before the wedding. While that would have been good, the problem is that it didn't rain. And when it doesn't rain, the forecast just moves forward in time. So Wednesday and Thursday it did NOT rain. Friday comes, and mid-afternoon all the car washes in Phoenix close. Let me just mention, that no where but Phoenix have I ever experienced the anamoly of car washes ALL closing. But in Phoenix, they do, and for good reason. No one dares wash their car when they KNOW it is going to RAIN. Well, as Saturday morning arrived, and still no rain...I just kept thinking...ok, just stay dry a LITTLE longer. Alas, it didn't rain, but not without giving me a good scare. And to assure you that this isn't just a case of melodrama: we went on our honeymoon to Steamboat Springs, CO only to hear stories about how bad it HAILED while we were gone!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

email bankruptcy.

Did you know that you can do it?! Do what, you might wonder. Did you know that you can just do away with the 500+ emails in your inbox and decide that their huge quantities stress you out, and you can just trash them all?! Just like that?!


Well, today after looking at my inbox, I just might do it. What is it with piles? Electronic piles or actual physical ones? You know....You know that spot that immediately lends itselt to ridding your hands of purse, mail (most of it junk), a sippy cup, the handful of garbage you told yourself to grab from your car and know. Don't act like you don't.

Well, piles drive me absolutely bonkers. And the ridiculous thing about it all is that every time I take the dedicated time and energy required to get rid of these things, I vow that I will *never* let it happen again. And lo and behold, another pile reappears! And when I say "dedicated" I mean seriously getting rid of it, not just hiding it or, Jenny forbid, put it SOMEWHERE ELSE. Sometimes, Rob thinks that's the thing to do. I do not like it. From Dr. Suess himself, I do not like them "here or there, I do now like them anywhere!"

So I saw on the Today show last week, that you can really "declare Email bankruptcy" and empty your entire Inbox, provided you let all contacts know about it. Then kindly ask them, that if they have something important to send you, to please resend.

A few thoughts come to mind:
Isn't that more work to trash my whole inbox, and THEN have to take the time to tell everyone about it? And how on earth is that even polite to ask your friends/acquaintences/contacts, "can you please resend whatever important email you sent me again?" What kind of friend is THAT?!?!

I think I will just keep my piles, thank you.

Note: these pictures of "clutter" are quite mild as to what usually happens. You can be rest assured that if these misdemeanors were truly burdensome, I would not be here writing about it, I would be working hard to make them vanish. I do have a threshold, you know.

Monday, February 4, 2008

US Open Flyover.

It was brought to my attention that I hadn't ever gotten around to posting the US Open flyover that Rob was in. He is number #4 in the four ship, which is the bottom right as they fly over. We're very proud of his accomplishments and dedication. Hope you all enjoy! I know Rob had a little bit of fun doing it! :)


not just southern, ya'll.

So, Rob thinks it's funny that I like pork rinds. When I asked him why, he just said something to the fact that it surprises me that I would like "such" a food. What does that mean? Fried pig skin sounds gross? It's only a Southern thing? Well, in all honesty it is kind of gross sounding, and I am not entirely proud that I do like such a thing, but I really can't help it. It's the same reason I can't help it that I like Funyons. It's not like I eat it all the time, but when I went to gas up at the Ole Country Store across the street on Saturday, they were just staring at me in there.

My only response to Rob was that my mom likes them and she eats them. So I guess that is one thing Filipinos and Southerners have in common! As if this didn't shock Rob enough, I was watching a YouTube video of a Filipina who makes videos making fun of her family and cultural upbringing. I tend to find them funny, because it's all too familiar for me and she does a good job portraying herself and all of her family members at the same time.

After viewing this, imagine Rob's response to finding out that "other" people find pork rinds yummy, and they just so happen to be a bunch of filipinos! :)

Friday, February 1, 2008

if i had a million dollars.

From the lyrics of the Barenaked Ladies...Isn't that such a great song? I don't know about you, but when I hear/sing/belt out those lyrics, it makes me smile and laugh mostly because it's so goofy and fantastic! I never take the song seriously, because, let's face it, not having a million dollars is quite a common limitation among many of us normal people, right?

Well, today, my mom called me and said, "Hey, I got a question for you. What would you want to do if money were not an object?"

WHAT MOM?! Can the question be any more broad? And why didn't I ask immediately, "why do you ask?" I just said, "Well, I'd have to think about it."

This question just displays how conditional we all are as people. Because the moment she asked me "the question", a million other things came to mind. How much money? Why can't I even answer the question the second it's asked? Is it because I don't aspire to do anything or go anywhere great? Or does it mean that I am a perfectly content creature? Or does it mean I don't entertain such thoughts that don't lend themselves to reality? Or is it a combination of all three? Well?

Did my mom win the lottery and she doesn't want to tell me yet?

Should we all ask ourselves these questions because like the Bible states that where my treasure is, there my heart will be also? Where is my heart?
So there are a few things that come to mind, but it has required a strong adjustment to my normal way of thinking: nursing school, some sort of international vacation (Phils, Europe, typical tropical destination spot), missions, college for kid(s), open a cafe, and if I kept sitting at the computer and thinking, the list would probably bore you to tears.

So here's the thing: what would YOU do in life if money were not an object?
I would love to know. For "interested's" sake, and, heck, it might give some good ideas that I have never thought! (because I know there are definitely a lion's share of ideas I have never thought of).
So drop a comment and share, if you like.